Monday, December 22, 2014

Dream Catcher

I have learned something very important about myself this year. I have learned a heck of a lot but this one thing specifically transforms the way I look at the world. 

I don't have a passion.

Well, not a normal one at least. For most people it's teaching, or music, or art, or math, or planes, or plants, acting, parenting, planning, traveling, cars, food. People love things; video games and snow boarding, museums, coffee, parties, shopping, books, movies, sports.
I don't. I mean I enjoy almost everything. I can find something to love in almost everything that I do. If not love it I can still find it interesting and enjoyable to some degree. And I mean I do have my hobbies I guess. Painting and drawing and fixing things and working with animals and my ukulele. But nothing that I am just absolutely crazy about and skilled in. 

This creates kind of a directionless life. I don't have anything that I just HAVE to do. Nothing I'm dying to work towards. It also makes me feel lame, honestly. People are nerding out about their favorite things and I'm over here like "Yeah, those are cool things..." I guess I don't have anything I really nerd out about. Well, I do, but when I nerd out about it... it's a little weird.

My passion, the thing I nerd out about is: people. 

I love people. They are fascinating and entertaining and complex. People love doing things and I love that they love doing those things! I love listening to people tell stories or drawing out their thoughts with questions that normal people don't ask. I can't play video games to save my life but I love watching my friends play. I don't have very many of my own dreams that I want to fulfill but I love making even the smallest, stupidest dreams come true. I love helping and encouraging people to do the things they wouldn't normally do or won't do alone. I'm an advocate for doing what's on your mind.

You say you want to drive to Canada? Done. We'll go next fall. You want to start a curling team? I'v got jerseys designed. Practice starts next week. You want to learn a new instrument? I will probably buy said instrument or continually remind you that you want it until you get it and I will happily welcome you into my hypothetical band. You want a milkshake at 3am? I'll be darned if I don't find some place open, near-by. (To whom it may concern: with this mentality, I am the WORST person to shop with.) If you don't know what the heck you want? Let's talk. I bet we can figure it out pretty quick, and I will do what I can to help you attain it. It's what I do.

This completely changes my take on life. I'm a dream catcher. I'm the person who says "why the heck not?" and "let's do it!". I live to help other people live life to the fullest. The majority of this year I was around very few people. I was deep in depression because of it. Nearly no friends, not meeting new people often enough, I had no dreams to catch, to goals to reach. I couldn't understand why I couldn't just be happy and alone. Why couldn't I just read more, or practice painting, or play ukulele and thrive as a human being? I'm doing what I thought I loved! But living for me, just doesn't cut it.

I'm generally uninteresting. As a person I'm very average. I mean, I don't have any real interests! So what was I supposed to do with so few humans in my life? Well, I don't know. Lol. I'm still figuring that out. But! Now I understand why I deal with depression even when I'm doing nothing but what I love. A step closer to learning how to live my own life to its fullest. Yay, for learning new things about myself!

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Injuring Eternity

I recently began reading Henry David Thoreau's "Walden" thanks to my elder sister's insistence. In just the few first pages I'm left with phrases that redefine the way I see things. One in particular, I read and felt the need to dissect it. 

In Walden, Thoreau is ripping apart the daily routine of the average man. Before this phrase he goes on a little rant about human divinity and slavery then starts talking about man's fate.  "What a man thinks of himself, that it is which determines, or rather indicates his fate." ... "Think, also, of the ladies of the land weaving toilet cushions against the last day, not to betray too green an interest in their fates! 

"As if you could kill time without injuring eternity."

Weather or not Thoreau meant it this way, I suddenly saw my "eternity", my life, sprawled out in front of me. Every moment was like a dish in a feast. I have the choice to either stare at it and wish it was more, OR I could eat it and enjoy what's given to me. 

In our last days, or even our daily lives, is not the one thing we all beg for, more time? Yet we waste the moments we're given, waiting for more. More time to relax, more time to live, more time to do whatever the crap we are wanting to do. All that time waiting, is a perfectly good meal thrown in the trash.

Your everyday routine is your eternity, every moment. You will never miraculously "have time". It isn't going to just plop in your lap one day while you're tootling online. We're all given the same number of hours a day, it's your call how you spend them. Would you rather see your eternity, full and alive, like a banquette hall during a feast or empty and rotting because you were killing time while you were waiting for more?

 It's a conscious, moment by moment, choice in life to
 get everything you can and give all you got.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


I just looked at my blog, like the stats and archives. I had over 60 views on my last post. That's so crazy. Also, I realized I've written at least one post every month for over a year now which is also pretty crazy. I've never done anything so consistently for so long! This is a really big deal for me!

I started this blog as a personal exercise more than anything. I wasn't really even sure I wanted to share it with anyone but I felt overwhelmed with the desire to be real with people and unashamed of how I think. I started posting it on all of my social media sites; Twitter, Facebook, even my Pinterest has a link to the blog. All I wanted was somewhere I could post my thoughts on the rare occasion that they complete themselves. And if someone gets something from reading them then that's awesome! If I'm the only one who reads them like a million times over, that works for me too.

For those of you who do read, you rock. You also are very likely quite insane, but I love you for that.

Little update! I hope to launch my "Study in Happiness" for real this time. I'm in a really good place for it and I have a few ideas of how to get it going. I would hope to incorporate videos and start a Youtube channel staring the beautiful people I come across but that's not my strong point. If you're reading this and you have skills with a camera/editing software, hit me up! I would love a partner in this adventure.

Thanks again to you crazy people who read these random, sometimes insane or depressing posts.

To make my day, leave a comment in response to one or more of these questions:
1) How would you describe the color green?
2) How would you describe the taste of water?
3) How would you describe how it feels to laugh, and what it sounds like?

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

One Year Later

Today marks exactly 1 year and a week since I left my engagement ring on my fiancĂ©'s dinning table and walked out of the apartment we were going to call home. And a year since we officially canceled the wedding. I thought,  in all honesty, that I'd be either in some foreign country creating a new identity for myself and completely forgetting everything and everyone in the States, or living a happy, normal life in the city I called home, serving in my beloved church and being a nanny for years to come. 
The last thing I expected was feeling pressured by my ex to avoid him at all costs. I did not expect to feel uncomfortable in my own church, or that I wasn't welcome to be with his family. I wasn't expecting my heart to burn with such hurt and anger that my body literally gave out, leaving me partially unconscious on the floor or shivering on the couch with fevered chills on numerous occasions. I did not expect to be so afraid of seeing him just walking down the streets that I needed to run away, move out of state.
I didn't have any real expectations when I decided I would not marry him. Except just that, not marrying him. But turns out that humans aren't naturally forgiving and civil. In fact, they are quite rude and intolerant of things that could cause them discomfort. So when you end a relationship,  that person tends to have a strong desire for you to not exsist.
The thing is, they do exsist and will continue on exsisting as long as you do. Your identity is now tangled up in theirs even though all other ties to them have been severed. I guess I thought I could move on and pretend it didn't happen. Or at least pretend that it wasn't a big deal. But you can't rip out a chapter in a book and expect to know the whole story.
I'm very glad I have not been married the past 10 months. But that man left scars in my heart that will forever ache for him. I hope one day I can enjoy irises and daffodils without thinking about the bouquets he always made for me. I hope that I will grow out of this fear he instilled in me of being fully myself. I hope that one day I will be able to trust a man when he says he loves me.
My dearest friend told me one night, just weeks before her own wedding, "God doesn't make you go through anything he thinks you can't handle. That means he thinks you're pretty strong." When I woke up on the floor of my apartment after blacking out from the pain,  I thought I would die. I wished it. I did not believe I was going to survive.  But here I stand, a year later.
I still cry about it, I still think about him randomly and feel the ache of his absence, but I survived.
God has been putting the shards of my heart carefully back together. I hate God for thinking I was strong enough to handle that but... I guess he was right, yet again.

Monday, August 11, 2014

I Saw

More than ever I am learning that I am a total and complete freak.
Of course I've known this for some time but it wasn't until recently that I realized what level of weird I've become. I was hanging with a guy that I just recently met, we were driving home and I looked at him, then at the road, then at him, then I just exploded on him a full on profile of himself I'd put together from observing him and his life, from his tattoos to his smoking habits.

It's one thing to notice things, and a whole different thing to actually say them out loud.

I've never done that before. Just laid it all out there. That's not normal. And it put me in a very vulnerable position because even though it was his life story strung out in the air, it was my heart that opened up to read it. I realized in that moment that observation reveals as much about the observer as the observed. His response kind of sent me reeling. He was actually impressed rather than freaked out. He thought it was quote, "awesome". I sat in this guy's car and basically told him "I've known you for a week but I know what your life has looked like for the past 10 years." And all he said was "that's pretty cool that you picked up on all that stuff." 

I felt like Sherlock Holmes when John simply says "That was amazing". Sherlock is right when he said "That's not what people normally say". Not many people like knowing they can be read like the cover of a book, even fewer people enjoying hearing what they're "book cover" has to say about them. Most people say something like "that was weird" or look at me like they're taking notes for a restraining order. 

I've never not been thought of as a freak. In my head, I loved him as a dear friend from that moment on simply because he found me to be interesting rather than overwhelming. My best friends accept that I'm a freak and find my oddities confusing if not entertaining.  But they still see them as odd. To him though...I wasn't. There's a safety in that which I have nowhere else in this world.

"Sherlock Holmes: When I met you for the first time yesterday, I said "Afghanistan or Iraq?" You looked surprised.

Dr John Watson: Yes. How did you know?

Sherlock Holmes: I didn't know, I saw. ..."

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Writing Prompt: He Had My Name Written All Over Him

 Thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump; the beat of my heart syncs to the pulse of my steps on the forest floor. My legs can hardly keep the pace but my head pushes forward. Speed is on my mind. Thump-thump, thump-thump, thump-thump. I hear nothing beyond the sound of my ever quickening breath and the pounding of my heart. I've been running for what seems like forever but I can't stop, I can't let them catch us.


The entire world grinds to a neck snapping halt. I can't breath but it's not because of the sprinting. "Zach!" I gasp and fall to my knees. I was so focused on getting away I didn't even check to see if he was still behind me. As I shudder on the forest floor, I can feel his absence like a cold fog slowly engulfing me, sapping my energy and my will to move. I feel like I'm 100 feet underwater as the pressure of loss constricts my chest and throat.  My eyes begin to burn opening a flood of tears and uncontrollable sobs. I weep with every part of my being.

Time aches by and I realize the sun is setting. I have to find shelter for the night. My instincts kick in as I gather myself off the ground. Water, warmth, and protection. I see my hands pulling me through the trees and feel my body being propelled by the need to survive. I am my own shadow; lifeless, meaningless, lost.

As the last dot of light flutters off the forest floor I am able to light a small fire. The advantage to thick foliage is a lack of visibility.  It's also the greatest down fall as I hear creatures scurry around but can't see anything. The leaves all seem to have sprout wings and began their new life in the night.

I sit unresponsive to the buzz around me. Every inch of my body is heavier than bricks. I can barely keep my eyes open as I stare into the crackling fire.
As I drift off into a restless sleep I see his face in the flames. Zach, sitting across from me. His ruffled red hair and bright blue eyes. His little freckled face looks... distorted. My eyes snap open and my whole body lurches as though I've been shot with lightning. "Zach!" I scramble to my hands and knees and crawl around the fire. Tears stain his rutty face but he won't respond to me. He just stares at me. His eyes seem so full of fear. "Zach, what happened? I thought they--" He raised his hands and stared at his arms, mouth gaping with horror. I faltered. It wasn't until that moment that I realized he was covered with cuts. They look like some sort of pattern. I looked closer and nearly gagged. He had my name written all over him. Some carved straight into his skin others scrawled it what looks like a mix of blood and ink. "What did they do to you?"

Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Wall

It has been quite a while since my last post. These past months have been nothing if not strenuous. Certainly they've been filled to the brim with beautiful memories that I will cherish forever but they have taken a toll on my soul.

As I sit here now just taking it all in ... I feel heavy. It's a freeing kind of weight though.

For months now I've been trying so hard to : make sense of it all, plan my life, motivate myself, heal myself, correct myself, be more, do more, constantly form myself into what I want to be.
.But I can't do that.
Nothing is in my direct power. I can not make a single thing happen on my own. And I guess it just took a year of incomprehensible circumstances for me to realize I need to start learning what it means to be powerless.

In all seriousness, having no idea what to do, how to do it, or when you should start, simply SUCKS. I've found when I don't know what and don't know how exactly to figure what to do, I do nothing. I had high hopes for my time in Salt Lake City; healing, growth, transformation. But in reality it has been me running. Running away physically, yes, but even more I've been running away emotionally.

After we broke the engagement... I was truly a mess. I cannot express to you just the intensity of emotions I felt in the weeks and months that followed. I ... I found that a breaking heart is not just an emotional ache. More than once I found myself curled in a ball on the couch literally unable to move while I shook uncontrollably with what felt like fever chills. There is    no  way    to process that kind of pain. It was terrifying. Emotions, I decided, were not worth becoming crippled. So I shut it off. Everything. Any deep feeling weather good or bad was off limits. I could practically draw you a picture of the huge, thick wall I'd built within myself.

This wall? It's still there. I can see it. There's cracks in it now but I'm still unable to level it. The very worst part of this wall is I've put it between God and I. Sometimes, I feel him reaching through the cracks, asking, pleading that I join him again. And for a moment I reach too but then I'm stricken with fear and I retreat back to my dark corner which I've deemed safe. "I can't hurt like that again," I tell myself. "If I go that deep again my body will give out. I won't survive."

I've been trying in my own power to demolish this wall but I might as well be using wet noodles in place of jackhammers with as much as I can do. I can't say I know how to make the transition from pasta to wrecking balls but... in all my travels these few months I think the biggest thing I've learned is how to start feeling again.

Awe, wonder, home-sickness, love, friendship, loneliness, unsure, confidence, joyfulness, fun, connection.

God, here's a crack in my wall. Grab my hand and don't let me go. I'm going to resist, I'm so scared but I want to be with you in the high places and the low places. As long as I am with you, my feet will always have a place to stand and my hands will always have yours to hold. Bring me out of this self made dungeon! I want to see the light of your garden again. HOSANNA!

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Benjamin Button Effect

I saw a picture today of one of my graduating class mates and they seemed much more grown up than when we graduated high school nearly 2 years ago. And I suddenly felt that I haven't grown at all. In fact I feel almost younger than I was then. Some would say "lucky you!" But this isn't young in the good sense, like feeling invincible and full of nothing but dreams and potential. This is young in the sense of inexperienced, unmotivated, self-centered, lazy, slacker, with no career in site.

When I graduated high school, I thought I knew what I was doing with my life. I had a boyfriend whom I loved and was going to marry (nearly did), I had at least an idea of what school I wanted to go to (didn't go to) and what I wanted to study (did study for a semester at a school I had never planned to go to, the spring semester after graduation). I was heavily involved at my church (left not 5 months later) and I was part of a campus ministry for international students (no longer had time for when I had started working full-time that fall).

Senior year was a terrible, challenging year for me but at the end I felt I had grown, matured, that my life was going up and out. I had a husband, career, and church ministry all lined up for me to do with my life. I was totally set to jump into the real world. So I took the leap! And, well. Most of you know how that all turned out...

I was almost married, had an apartment, good career prospects and the excitement of growing up with the love of my life. I felt so grown up. But now where am I? Staying in a friend's basement in freakin' Salt Lake City, working a max of 8 hours a week, halfheartedly attending a church, away from my best friends. I have incredible natural beauty just miles away; canyons, mountains, deserts, and yet I spend the majority of my time doing my 3 chores and watching How I Met Your Mother.

I mean, yeah part of the reason I'm here doing what I'm doing is because I'm waiting to hear back about an internship. It would be silly to get an apartment for 4 months, especially since I know I'd never be able to afford it. I can't enroll in school for the fall yet because I don't even know if I'll be on this continent. I can't get a real full-time job because I'll be gone for 3 weeks in May. I'm just waiting, coasting on generosity of the people around me.

I am personally and efficiently made to care for people. I've always been the mama bear of the group, always the one people go to for help. I used to be the caregiver now I'm the one having to be taken care of and I do not know how to play this role. I was self sufficient and now I can't even buy my own groceries. I feel like Benjamin Button, I was born an old soul and some how I'm continually immaturing.

What happened to the Erika who was bold and constantly moving forward? What happened to my servant's heart? Why am I so focused on myself that I'm actually causing more tension and confusion inside me? Who am I? What am I doing? How was I so grown up then and so adolescent now?

Monday, March 24, 2014


I have several things that I am drawn too for no obvious reason. The top two are the moon and the ocean. They're like life-long friends to me. There's something... it's like a thunderclap you feel instead of hear. It's so deep it shakes my soul.

The things the Moon tells me motivate me, inspire me to be more and love more. Half my drawings from the last few months have the Moon as the center of attention. And my heart leaps when I see it in the sky, day or night. I imagine stories of what the Moon whispers to the ocean to encourage it to never stop moving. I look at it and yearn for it's beauty. I think of the analogy someone once told me of how we as Christians should be like the moon reflecting the glory of the Sun when we live our lives to reflect the glory of God's Son.

The ocean sits and listens to my unsaid thoughts and sorts through them and helps me understand my own inward battle. I've never lived near the ocean and have spent less than collectively 2 months near it in my entire life time. But I've been in love with it since I was a child. I feel the most like my inner self when I'm in the water. The beauty it holds captivates me, body and soul. The ocean has been to me a perfect representation of God. Depth and beauty, His dependability yet unpredictability, His unyielding lethal power and yet the safest home for the most fragile things. The ocean even has shown me God's playful side.

There are several things I love because they show me God. But none compare to these two. Not only do they show who God is but they speak to my heart. I feel like I've heard God whisper in my ear through these. My love-letters from God.

Monday, February 24, 2014

To Love a Soldier

Recently, I have been around a lot of military men. My brother-in-law went off to basic training this January, the couple I live with has 2 sons in military, and my new best friend also has a little brother and father in the military.
Being single and finding men in uniform intriguingly attractive, I began asking my friend what it was like dating army men, having an army dad and brother, and what it was like for her mom. She said, basically, the good-byes never get easier, the distance  never seems smaller, but for some the love never dims.

 I started thinking to myself if I would be able to do that. If I could date and be married to a man who would be deployed for months on end, no guarantee of any contact. I think of myself lying in bed, the kids all tucked in for the night, wishing with all my heart that when I roll over, I will be face to face with the man I love. But it's just me in a king size bed, all alone. Being so close to someone, to love and care for someone so much that I married him but now he's away, doing work and fighting wars.

In your single years you battle loneliness like it's a never ending cold. Being married to an army man... in your heart you're not alone, you're one half of a whole, but he's not with you. It's a whole different level of loneliness because you're not just sitting alone at your desk anymore. You're at a table for two staring at the empty chair knowing exactly who would fill it if only they could be here with you.

As I thought about this feeling, I felt familiar with it. Like I have felt this way before. Then I realized what it was.
Jesus came and stole my heart and vowed through sickness and health, poverty and riches, he would be there. 'Til death do us...cleave. It's like I'm engaged to a man at war! He is waiting for me. As I toil through my life here on earth, he's with me in my heart. He's fighting for me. Although I can't see him and so often I don't even hear from him, I know he loves me and I love him.

 Our wedding day will be the day the war is won. When I can finally be with him completely. You know how Paul says "To live is Christ, and to die is gain." it's like... to live as God's betrothed, to be the army wife, it's all for him. The loneliness, the pains, and the small victories, it is all because I love my Man at war. To die is gain, the war within is won. When I die I will FINALLY be with my Man, my Love, his battle will be won and we can be home, together.

Oh! How I long for the day I will audibly hear his loving voice and physically feel his arms wrapped around me and see his beautiful face! To know that every hint of the threat of loneliness is completely banished forever. To be with my Love! To die would indeed be gain. But I'm here, on earth, alive. And that is no small sacrifice. I will strive to live as a dedicated army wife. Help raise his family, the kingdom of God, and stay true and faithful to him until the day when we will be together at last and forever.

Thank you all who serve our country. The sacrifices you have made are a testament to your heart and dedication. And thank you to all who love and are committed to those who are serving. Your decision and faithfulness have not gone unnoticed. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

The Greatest Question

What if all your games, all your books, your tv shows and sports, what if all that was taken away? What would you do? "Be bored out of my mind" most would answer. But in truth, you'd be bored INTO your mind.

That sounds strange but think about it. What is left once all convenience and entertainment is removed? Nothing but you and your own thoughts. So when we get bored it's nothing more than fear or lack of curiosity to discover the depths of ourselves.

So often I find myself cranking up the music while driving or falling asleep to the tv, not so much because I enjoy it, but because I don't want to be alone with myself. If I'm never alone with myself, how will I ever know who I am or what I feel?
Emotions are strong. There's no denying that. How much more important is it then that we understand ourselves?

I just imagine the unexplored minds of the people around me. There are geniuses among us but we never find them because they never took the time to dig their well of personality. Instead they sit satisfied playing Madden or reading Sherlock Holmes or watching Pretty Little Liars. They sit there completely blind to the inward beauty of the human mind because they're too afraid to be alone with themselves.
Oh the adventures and mysteries within you! Will you willingly lay idle when such a treasure waits to be found?

Don't know where to start? Here, right now, start asking yourself "why?". Why do I enjoy this? Why do I get the butterflies in my stomach when he looks me in the eye? Why is that funny? Why does it hurt?

Why... it's the beginning to all the greatest questions in life.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

What is It You Seek?

What is happiness? It's what we all are searching for, the thing that gets me is that we seem to know what we're searching for. Do you know what happiness looks like? Well, I felt God wanted me to find that out. Find out what it means to be happy and what other people think it means to be happy. I devised a few questions and started asking. 

How to be Happy: Barbra

I wish I had taken notes as this lovely woman answered my questions!

Barbra is an older woman who has spent the entirety of the last 3 years in bed.
“The only time I get out of bed is when the EMTs roll me onto their canvas and carry me out.” She has mitochondrial disease, a genetic disorder she was born with. She said when she was younger it showed itself mostly with muscle disease and as she got older she had to be fed through a tube. “I don’t eat any food anymore.” She said. And about 3 years ago her bones began to break. She said in a very short period she had over 15 fractures: back, ankles, wrists, she’s now confined to her bed. But this woman radiates happiness, “joy” as she calls it.

I started with asking her what makes her happy, what gives her joy in life. 
Even if I’d taken notes I wouldn't have been able to write it all down! “Friends, seeing people create things, a new bird at the bird feeder...” And the list goes on. She could probably list a million beautiful things she sees and experiences just from where she lays on her bed. Finding the beauty in the little things, she mentioned, is an important gift. 

How many times do you have these joyful moments a week? 
“All the time! I couldn't count them!” she said with a grin and a throw of her hand. All the time. I answered these questions myself and said a max of 4 times a week! But this woman whose entire world consists of her bedroom says she can’t even count how many times she’s happy in a week.

Can you find this “joy” in tough times? You’ve had your fair share, more than most people.
 She lovingly rebuked me, saying everyone has their own pains. She said how blessed she was for having people around her. “Without my friends, family, and church family, I’m not sure what I would have done. It would have been much harder.” And she said she looks to her Lord for her needs. She had a friend who made a list of Bible verses that were about fear, “Antidotes for fear” she called them. She read them every night and after awhile she said they became a part of her thinking. And how that effected her was huge.

How do you suggest creating more happy moments in your life?
She told me a story of an “ah-ha” moment she had when she was my age. She was in a really troubling time and just down in the dumps. “I was in the line to get food in the cafeteria,” she said, “When I heard two boys behind me. One said basically ‘if you want to be happy you have to learn to give to people’”. She told stories of her different caregivers who’d come in with their own problems and sometimes would just sit and talk to her “I guess ‘cause they figured they had a captive audience,” she laughed. She said when you’re more aware of your mortality it opens your eyes to a lot of things. She realized one day that sometimes it’s her job to help the people that come through her door. “If they leave here feeling better, having a good day, then I feel happy.” She feels like she has purpose in life when she helps others in whatever ways she can. You can’t really separate a feeling of purpose in life, from happiness. Over all she said to be happy you have to make an effort to make people happy, to think about someone besides yourself, to help people. Interestingly enough I got the same response from a friend when asked these questions and I myself as well answered “Invest more in people”.

I really do wish I had recorded or at least taken notes of the conversation I had with this woman. She is truly inspirational. She can’t even eat food anymore and she has more happy moments in a week than I do, is that not challenging or what?

Lesson Number One: Love People.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Don't Judge a...

If you didn't already know this, every one is irreversibly screwed up; Christians, Muslims, agnostics, atheists, gays, racists, your mother, your best friend, that dude that just gave you the finger for going before him in the four-way. EVERYONE is messed up. There are no exceptions.

So why do we, all of us, have this completely backwards view that for some reason people who say they stand for a higher cause have to be that higher cause? Why is it, if I say I believe in God that suddenly I have to be perfectly emanating every attribute of his Holiness?

You hate church because of the hypocrites. You are against drinking alcohol because of all the drunks. You won't go green because of the psycho-hippies. When are we going to realize that our choices cannot depend solely on the humans we observe? News flash! Churches are not just full of hypocrites, they're full of human beings. Yes, I'm held to a higher standard because I profess to be a Jesus lover but does that mean I'm perfect? No! The exact opposite. If I was perfect I wouldn't need God. THAT'S. THE WHOLE. POINT. I cannot be God.

God is not who you see. God is not the pedophile priest, the father that has been MIA for 27 years, the book labels and televangelists shouting curses and warnings of Hell. He's not your respected pastor, or your loving grandmother, or prosperity gospel preacher, either. He is GOD for heaven's sake! THERE IS NONE LIKE HIM. Not a single person. We are not to look to the humans of this wack job world to accurately portray the God of the cosmos.

This is not a write off though. As a professing Christian, I am purposefully proclaiming to the world that I represent the God of Heaven. Here's where 'hypocrite' will be thrown in my face. But let me make a point. If an American ambassador has characteristically unpatriotic opinions of our nation, one does not immediately accuse America of being a treasonous, hell hole. In turn, it only makes sense that you can't judge a God by his pastor.

I came across this author recently that I have come to simply adore. I haven't finished a single one of his books, and I've watched just one movie of his but I feel like this man has got it right. Donald Miller tells his story with honesty unmatched in Christian culture. Something he said in Blue Like Jazz (the movie) just got me really thinking. We as "real" Christians can't live like we're better than those who have scarred the name of Christ for someone. We can never out shine the darkness with being cool and acceptable in today's culture. We, as Christians, can't like harmonize with an out of tune world in efforts to rewrite it in the proper key. We are the issue.

 All we can do is apologize, forgive and keep trying.