That sounds strange but think about it. What is left once all convenience and entertainment is removed? Nothing but you and your own thoughts. So when we get bored it's nothing more than fear or lack of curiosity to discover the depths of ourselves.
So often I find myself cranking up the music while driving or falling asleep to the tv, not so much because I enjoy it, but because I don't want to be alone with myself. If I'm never alone with myself, how will I ever know who I am or what I feel?
Emotions are strong. There's no denying that. How much more important is it then that we understand ourselves?
I just imagine the unexplored minds of the people around me. There are geniuses among us but we never find them because they never took the time to dig their well of personality. Instead they sit satisfied playing Madden or reading Sherlock Holmes or watching Pretty Little Liars. They sit there completely blind to the inward beauty of the human mind because they're too afraid to be alone with themselves.
Oh the adventures and mysteries within you! Will you willingly lay idle when such a treasure waits to be found?
Don't know where to start? Here, right now, start asking yourself "why?". Why do I enjoy this? Why do I get the butterflies in my stomach when he looks me in the eye? Why is that funny? Why does it hurt?
Why... it's the beginning to all the greatest questions in life.
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