Saturday, October 25, 2014


I just looked at my blog, like the stats and archives. I had over 60 views on my last post. That's so crazy. Also, I realized I've written at least one post every month for over a year now which is also pretty crazy. I've never done anything so consistently for so long! This is a really big deal for me!

I started this blog as a personal exercise more than anything. I wasn't really even sure I wanted to share it with anyone but I felt overwhelmed with the desire to be real with people and unashamed of how I think. I started posting it on all of my social media sites; Twitter, Facebook, even my Pinterest has a link to the blog. All I wanted was somewhere I could post my thoughts on the rare occasion that they complete themselves. And if someone gets something from reading them then that's awesome! If I'm the only one who reads them like a million times over, that works for me too.

For those of you who do read, you rock. You also are very likely quite insane, but I love you for that.

Little update! I hope to launch my "Study in Happiness" for real this time. I'm in a really good place for it and I have a few ideas of how to get it going. I would hope to incorporate videos and start a Youtube channel staring the beautiful people I come across but that's not my strong point. If you're reading this and you have skills with a camera/editing software, hit me up! I would love a partner in this adventure.

Thanks again to you crazy people who read these random, sometimes insane or depressing posts.

To make my day, leave a comment in response to one or more of these questions:
1) How would you describe the color green?
2) How would you describe the taste of water?
3) How would you describe how it feels to laugh, and what it sounds like?


  1. I think laughter empties your mind; if you're laughing hard you're really not thinking about what you'll say next or why it's funny or tomorrow's to-do list. Different kind of laughs feel a little different though – peaceful or wild or just joyful. A lot of times my laugh sounds like a cat with the hiccups, or just a little "tuh" if it isn't that funny. I'm not usually aware of what is sounds like when I'm laughing (again the empty thoughts thing).

  2. Awdur, Thank you! I never thought of it that way but you're 100% right.
