I have several things that I am drawn too for no obvious reason. The top two are the moon and the ocean. They're like life-long friends to me. There's something... it's like a thunderclap you feel instead of hear. It's so deep it shakes my soul.
The things the Moon tells me motivate me, inspire me to be more and love more. Half my drawings from the last few months have the Moon as the center of attention. And my heart leaps when I see it in the sky, day or night. I imagine stories of what the Moon whispers to the ocean to encourage it to never stop moving. I look at it and yearn for it's beauty. I think of the analogy someone once told me of how we as Christians should be like the moon reflecting the glory of the Sun when we live our lives to reflect the glory of God's Son.
The ocean sits and listens to my unsaid thoughts and sorts through them and helps me understand my own inward battle. I've never lived near the ocean and have spent less than collectively 2 months near it in my entire life time. But I've been in love with it since I was a child. I feel the most like my inner self when I'm in the water. The beauty it holds captivates me, body and soul. The ocean has been to me a perfect representation of God. Depth and beauty, His dependability yet unpredictability, His unyielding lethal power and yet the safest home for the most fragile things. The ocean even has shown me God's playful side.
There are several things I love because they show me God. But none compare to these two. Not only do they show who God is but they speak to my heart. I feel like I've heard God whisper in my ear through these. My love-letters from God.
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