Monday, July 29, 2013


The scariest thing about moving forward in life is all that you have ever known will become set. The past is beyond the reach of any man or machine. Nothing is more permanent than what has already been done. So many times you wish you could un-say or re-do but once done, you can never go back. You can go back to being single, or go back to your old job, but the past stays the same.

Staying the same means it affects us, even when we forget, we still had those hard times we still feel connected to that dear friend. But the best part about moving forward, is that you get a chance to make more pasts, more experiences that can form you into the being that God intended you to be.

One of my favorite words of God is "Go." Go out into the world and create more disciples, more experiences, go and make more examples of who God is and more examples of what the world he made can look like.

If you hold on too long to your past, or even your current situation, you'll grow tired and weak and soon fall. You don't do the monkey bars by hanging on the first bar as long as possible! You swing for the next! If you miss, you try again.

Don't be so focused on the past, on where you are today that you forget that

.we are made to go.